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我们眼中的彩虹中学南校区——格雷厄姆 和 帕特丽夏

2011年03月18日 22:37:28 来源:陕西省咸阳彩虹学校 访问量:4084

The Rainbow School South Branch in My Eyes

We are teachers from London teaching oral English at the new Rainbow Branch School.  We  help  the  students to improve their listening and  speaking skills and we give one lesson each week to the Grade 1 and Grade 2 students.

      The atmosphere in Rainbow School is very progressive.South branch is no exception, but the classes here are much smaller ——— less than 50 students in a class.  For us this is a welcome change because in the past we have taught at different schools in China where there were over 100 students in a class.  Small  classes make a more intimate  learning environment.  We are able to give individual attention to the  students and we can alter our lessons to suit the needs of the students in different classes.  We  can  also get to know the  students much better which makes for a more productive teacher/student relationship.

     We find the students at the school very polite,    well behaved and attentive.   We notice a genuine desire from the students to learn and study hard. The  school  encourages  the  students  to  be  outgoing and confident which helps to make our oral English classes more stimulating and interesting, for us and the students. All the students are keen to learn.  We havent noticed any students who dont try their hardest to develop their learning skills.

     The school is very well managed  and the  relationship between the teachers and students is a positive one with good inter-active communication on both sides.   The  teachers  are experienced,  enthusiastic and dynamic and they all feel a great pride in the school and they are trying to make the school better.

    We have only been teaching here for a short time but we look forward every week to seeing our students and  giving them lessons  at the new Branch.

                                           Graham and Patricia Mossop

                                                 2 March 2011








                                                    格雷厄姆 帕特丽夏



网友(2011-3-28 19:15:44)


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